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Nimbin School of Arts

47 Cullen St, Nimbin NSW, Australia

02 6689 1577

The Nimbin School of Arts, the first public building in the village, opened on 16 September 1904 and while it initially established a venue for church services, community meetings and events it quickly developed as a cultural arts centre with a dramatic club, library, minstrel club, Nimbin Boys Band and Nimbin Orchestra. The School of Arts became the venue for balls, dances, engagements, wedding receptions and other celebrations with people travelling from all over the region.

The main aim of the Nimbin School of Arts is to foster the arts, and this extensive facility on Nimbin's mainstreet, which also houses the Nimbin Artists Gallery and Perceptio Bookshop, in its contemporary usage features theatre productions and touring shows, Blue Moon Cabarets, Nimbin Performance Poetry World Cup, Autumn Arts and Spring Arts Exhibitions, Nimbin Fashion Show, together with Roots Festival and Nimbin Mardigrass performances and many other local celebrations, exhibitions, classes and events. The mainstreet mural facade features indigenous art commissioned by local Bunjalung artists Oral Roberts and Gilbert Laurie. The School of Arts has extensive amenities for staging events: auditorium, stage, backstage, seating and tables, with a fully equipped kitchen and deck dining facility.

Upcoming events at the School of Arts include:

Nimbin Performance Poetry World Cup on Sat4/ Sun 5 Dec.

Summer Art Exhibition Sun 2-Sun 16 Jan.

Comedy Show with Mandy Nolan & Ellen Briggs

For Hall hire and ticket sales contact Perceptio Bookshop 02 6689 1766.


C/ Nimbin Community Centre


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© 2024 Nimbin Chamber of Commerce

Aborigine Bark Painting
Nimbin Chamber of Commerce acknowledges that we live and work on the unceded sovereign land of the Widjabul Wia-bal people of the Bundjalung nation and honour their Elders past, present and emerging.
Through understanding and honouring First Nations Peoples' deep enduring connection to Country we can build more resilient and prosperous communities.
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