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Chamber Chats June


David Hyatt - President

By now end of year financial sales are over, hopefully there was enough in the piggy bank for you to take advantage of business’s desire to reduce inventory, making the task of stock taking less onerous.

I have to say that I didn’t see an end of financial year sale sign up in Nimbin nor do I ever expect to.

It is time for business’s owners and taxpayers to lodge the dreaded tax return hopefully it lives up to its name and we all get something back.


As of 1 July 2.75, million Australians will receive a pay increase of 5.75% along with an increase in contributions from employers to superannuation accounts of .5% taking the annual rate to 11%

Whilst the government are happy to herald the wage and superannuation increases as an achievement, it is just smoke and mirrors shuffling responsibility from government to employers and then ultimately back on to the workers.

Employers who are already under pressure are left with little choice but to pass on wage increases through increased prices or alternatively reduce employee numbers. 

However it falls the employees will ultimately feel the brunt of poor government policy and decision making.

The outcome will ultimately be higher inflation fuelled by pay increases placing more pressure on households who are already burdened by increasing interest rates and or higher rents, which will result in less money in the pocket of the average person.

Enough of the gloom and doom we are way better off than our city cousins.

Grow your own trade and barter look out for your neighbour and she’ll be right! 

During the last week Lismore city council in conjunction with the Nimbin Chamber of Commerce conducted a series of 3 workshops on social media strategy which were very well attended and appreciated by those present.

In the modern age it is most important that business’s keep up to date with social media techniques as most of our visitors and in fact community, spend a lot of time interacting on phones and computers.

Council is currently reaching out to key stakeholders with the aim of developing a destination management and visitor economy strategy.

It is in the interest of Nimbin tourist operators, accommodation providers, primary producers, venue operators, artists, and entertainers, to come forth and have your say.  

The 3-hour session will be held at the Nimbin Bush Theatre on 19th July from 9:30 am to 12 Noon. 

Please register for the event by visiting    

On the fun side of the ledger Illuminate Nimbin which was embraced as a fun family spectacular in 2022 is all systems go again slotted for the last day of the financial year June 30th, 2023. 

We thank Lismore city council for generous funding that has allowed us to run the event again this year, be there or be square. 

There has ben an incredible amount of interest in a Nimbin Women in Business group forming. 

To assist in the facilitation of this important networking and support group the chamber has offered to assist in funding the inaugural event to be held Saturday 22 July commencing 9:30 am at the Nimbin Bush Theatre.

The aim of this first event is for women to connect with the intention of laying the foundations for the creation of a more regular group . Participants will work together to determine vision needs frequency and structure.

Please register for the event by visiting

Together we are stronger if you own or run a business in the Nimbin area please consider joining the chamber and adding your voice to support outcomes that are good for the village we love .


C/ Nimbin Community Centre


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ABN 49 142 400 194

© 2024 Nimbin Chamber of Commerce

Aborigine Bark Painting
Nimbin Chamber of Commerce acknowledges that we live and work on the unceded sovereign land of the Widjabul Wia-bal people of the Bundjalung nation and honour their Elders past, present and emerging.
Through understanding and honouring First Nations Peoples' deep enduring connection to Country we can build more resilient and prosperous communities.
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