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Chamber Chats March


David Hyett

Politics dominated the month of March. The NSW state election was the main focus of attention. The past year has been a rather tumultuous period already with Labour unseating the Liberal National coalition on the national stage.

Going into the state election ALP’s Janelle Safin held a majority of 2.0% in a three way race with main challenges coming from the Alexander Rubin (Nationals) and Adam Guise (The Greens).

As it stands at the moment Janelle Safin has enjoyed a swing of +20.0% easily defeating the other contestants.   

Janelle has been a very active participant in the wider community engaging with a number of Nimbin community organisations following the floods of 2022.

Janelle and her team attended many community meetings in the village during the last year gaining an understanding of the communities needs subsequently showing her support for local initiatives including funding for a new Toilet block in peace park as well as financial support for the Aquarius50 festival.

The chamber congratulates Janelle on her and the ALP’s success we look forward to working with the labour team to improve the amenity of the village. 

Changes to the Lismore city council management structure, including replacement of the L.C.C. general manager John Walker with the new incumbent Jon Gibbons have ushered in.

Restructuring of their economic development team with a view to improving promotion of the region it’s tourist facilities and special events held in the area.

The Chamber is currently working with council to upgrade both Nimbin’s web presence and social media profile in an effort to attract more visitors to the village.

A walk through the village with council officers has been scheduled to highlight areas of potential improvement which include drainage, signage, trip hazards entry and exit beautification on both sides of the village.  

We are very pleased to see that L.C.C. have commenced road works on Thorburn Street to resurface the road dealing with the massive pot holes that have given locals much grief.

There is still a long way to go upgrading the main thoroughfare both in and out of Nimbin as well as outlying roads but vehicle owners are somewhat relieved at the improvements that have already reduced the impact on mechanical repair bills.

Economic Times in Nimbin

Economic times are rather uncertain at the moment particularly given that we have already suffered many challenges including  Flood, Bush Fire, Covid, and more Flood.

Interest rates are increasing at the fastest rate ever on mortgages with the majority of these being way bigger than in the past making repayments very difficult to service. 

Compounding this inflation is out of control with food, fuel prices building  materials services and just about anything else increasing week to week .

Keeping money in the local economy through buying local, recycling, using local contractors growing your own fruit and vegetables, trading with each other and lending a hand to those in need is a solid step towards getting through this difficult period.

Aquarius50 Festival

Aquarius50 is moving along well with many contributors of content coming forward, the 10 days of activity will be very exciting and interesting. 

Remember you are the festival and anything you can contribute to making this event a success will benefit everyone wide and far.

Much good Karma to be earned by those who put their shoulder to the wheel or hands in their pockets if they don’t have the time.

For more information and the opportunity to donate time and or funding contact

Nimbin Chamber of Commerce, with our member’s support, are working towards building a better, stronger and more vibrant future for our children and the community as a whole. 


C/ Nimbin Community Centre


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Aborigine Bark Painting
Nimbin Chamber of Commerce acknowledges that we live and work on the unceded sovereign land of the Widjabul Wia-bal people of the Bundjalung nation and honour their Elders past, present and emerging.
Through understanding and honouring First Nations Peoples' deep enduring connection to Country we can build more resilient and prosperous communities.
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