Launched by the Nimbin Chamber of Commerce, Nimbin Women in Business held its inaugural meeting at the Nimbin Bush Theatre in July 2023.
For the latest updates, join our Nimbin Women in Business community on Facebook.
Our core objective is to provide a supportive hub for women in business, emphasizing authenticity and mutual growth. We're dedicated to enhancing success by sharing insights, resources, and creating fresh opportunities.

Our network extends its arms to all female entrepreneurs in Nimbin and the nearby regions, regardless of your business stage. While Chamber Membership isn't mandatory, we highly recommend it.
Our Guiding Principles
Network to connect and learn
Support individuals and business
Mentor to facilitate success
Grow personally and professionally
Our Values

Our Vision
Nimbin Women in Business’s goal is to enhance knowledge and provide the opportunities for women to develop their entrepreneurial and business skills. We will host speakers, panel discussions, small group talks, and networking opportunities for women to increase their professional capacity and develop a support system. We will provide cross disciplinary perspectives for collaboration to take flight.